Frequently Asked Questions

When do I renew my membership?

  • Active members working toward the CFSP designation renew annually, on their anniversary date with the Academy.
  • CFSP members renew on January 1 of each year.
  • Student members will convert to Active (paid) membership upon graduation and/or licensing. 

How can I review my transcript?

You can receive a copy of your transcript at any time, by clicking View My Transcript link on the member landing page.

How is the evaluation of the Career Review done?

The Career Review is based on a mathematical matrix that calculates the retroactive credit for various activities done before membership in the Academy. Although the maximum CEUs granted for a Career Review is 5.4, if a member exceeds the maximum, Career Review Carry Over is granted in the other categories for activities that were completed within two years of membership in the Academy.

Do I need to send documentation for every activity I complete?

No, it is not necessary to send documentation unless the Activity Report is not completed properly. However, you should keep any documentation attached to your file copy of the Activity Report in case it is ever requested.

How long does it take to become certified?

Earning the CFSP designation is a self-paced program. You can earn the designation as quickly as you are committed to. The average length of time a member takes to earn the designation is approximately two years.

How will I know when I have certified?

We will send you a note of congratulations with several attachments, including an Application for Certification. Once we receive your Application for Certification, we will send back a press release, your CFSP jewelry and a Certificate of Achievement. You may order a CFSP plaque, CFSP Family Cards, and additional Certificates at any time. Note: The Application for Certification must be returned for the Academy to recognize you as a CFSP.

If I am a Lifetime CFSP, do I have to earn CEUs?

Yes, the Lifetime status does not exempt the member from earning the necessary CEU's for recertification.

Will the Academy provide press releases regarding my achievement?

Yes! A press release is sent to each newly certified member to distribute to their state association, or their local media outlets, as soon as the Application for Certification has been returned to the Academy.

I am not interested in receiving the plaque and jewelry upon certification, do I have to pay the $150 fee?

No, a member is not required to purchase a plaque or jewelry. 

I earned the CFSP designation this year, do I have to accumulate 2.0 CEUs for the current year’s recertification?

No, when a member certifies, they are exempt from recertification for that year. All of the CEUs on their transcript will be carried forward into the following year.